It was another great week over here! While Food Nanny Sr. has been having a blast in Thailand, Food Nanny Jr. has been here holding down the fort.

On Tuesday, we had such a fun live with our sister Aimee all about St. Patricks Day. If you watched it, isn't Aimee just the best? We have too much fun together. We showed you guys how to make our fruit tart St. Patricks Day style, and how to make our sugar cookie bars. You can get both recipes here. Oh my gosh these are both amazing. You guys have been making both desserts up a storm this week, and we love seeing them! If you weren't able to make them for St. Patrick's Day, don't worry! Make either of these any time! Just switch up the frosting color, fruit used, sprinkles, whatever! Thats what makes these so amazing.

And then on Friday we had the best live with Courtney from cakebycourtney. You guys, we can't get over how talented she is! We just love her. We make some pretty amazing cakes, but decorating them really isn't our specialty. But we are trying! Courtney really does make it look so easy and her tools make such a difference. You can shop all of her amazing products here. Now we just need her to create a Kamut cake!

Does this not look unbelievable? We made her new Lemon Bar cake and wow it was yummy. It's all about practice, so don't get discouraged when it doesn't look like this the first few tries. Here are some tips to help:
- Work on chilled cake! Make it ahead of time, wrap, and place in the freezer. This will help keep the crumbs in place.
- Use cold butter!
- First do a crumb coat, and then put it in the freezer for about 10 minutes. Once you pull it out, then its time to use the acrylic disk!
- You can drive yourself CRAZY trying to make it perfect. So don't! Work till you have one good side and then call it good.
- Use the danish dough whisk. We promise, you NEED this! And Courtney even uses the same jars we do! Filled with flour, sugar, powdered sugar, you name it!
- Courtney has the best tips and tutorials! Make sure you are following her.
We have another great week ahead, so stay tuned! And here's what we are serving:
Monday: Chicken Tenders with green chili sauce
Tuesday: Spaghetti and Meat Sauce
Wednesday: Monte Cristo Sandwich
Thursday: Beef and Bacon Taco Soup
Friday: Choose a Flavor Pizza!
Saturday: Grilled Salmon
Sunday: Chinese Sundaes Kids will Love