We so loved our little Christmas Herbal Tea Party at Deses house. She is such a wonderful hostess. We enjoyed seeing her home decorated for Christmas. It’s fun to see how different people decorate for Christmas. However, you choose to decorate it doesn’t matter. Do it the way your heart leads you. Remember these are the holidays where we create memories with traditions that are meaningful to us individually. Choose a few traditions that you love and stick with them if possible.

It will bond your family and keep you close. We are celebrating the birth of our Savior. With or without all the decorating and gifts what we are striving for is a feeling of thankfulness and gratefulness towards each other and to our Savior. We want to create a cozy and warm atmosphere.
We felt so honored as Desire played her Cello. She chose to play “Ave Maria.” It was sooooo beautiful. Perfect. Perfect to start this season off!!

We drank Tazo refresh-mint tea which is a herbal infusion of peppermint and spearmint dressed up with a pinch of tarragon. No wonder we love it so much. Tarragon is one of our favorite herbs ever!! You can buy this Tea at most any grocery store.

Desire showed us one of their traditions at the holidays. Dunking double stuffed Oreo cookies into Chocolate! We used GYGI Guittard Milk and White Chocolate A Peels. In stock always.

We also baked our Zucchini Bread, Book 1, Coconut Tea Bread, Book 1, and our Blueberry Lemon Scones, Book 2.

The party was such a success and just what we all needed. Just an hour of relaxing, sharing sweets, and good conversation.

Liz and Lizi