Now that school is in full swing many of you have extremely busy schedules! Why go to the effort of dinner time at the house? Having a consistent dinnertime each night ensures good communication and helps maintain positive relationships within the family. Not to mention a healthier diet. I love eating out.... but as you know when you eat out too much you start to lose control of the dinner hour. Around the dinner table is the most natural meeting place for communicating with our families on a daily basis. It is a comfortable , natural setting. Good communication is the most important quality to have between parents and children and among siblings. Maybe you don't know what to talk about........ I don't think dinner talk has to always be serious. My cookbooks give plenty of conversation starters. I just like to use the dinner hour to talk about issues that your family might have. Try making dinnertime happen for your family today!!!! My books will help you get started. They are much more than just a recipe book. They are a guide and a how- to book for living the LA VITA VERA LIFE!!!!! (The true life) XOXOXO